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The Basic Routine Healthcare Of Dogs

It is very important that you take good cognizance of the health of your dogs, most often feeding and exercising them isn’t enough. You are more familiar with your dog than anyone else, you should watch it carefully for clear signs of illness that another person might not see. You have to observe a proper routine and veterinary care on them. These routine cares may include;

  • Dental care

Dogs usually need dental attention throughout their lives.

A good dental care decreases the development of plaque which if it is not treated would develop to gingivitis and periodontal disease and sometime dental disease. You can keep your dog’s teeth and gums in good condition by feeding dry food, providing certain toys, and brushing your dog’s teeth regularly.

  • Protection from household hazards

Dogs are very curious, and they tend to investigate and chew everything at a very serious risk. Dogs must be fully protected from household hazards which may cause injurious effects on them. These hazards may include chemicals, pesticides, cleaning supplies, antifreeze, electrical cords, drugs, alcohol, and poisonous plants. These products should be kept far away from them.

  • Control of parasites

Dogs are sometimes very prone to the infestation of parasite. These parasites may include roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms. These worms damage the digestive tract of the dog and also distort the absorption of essential nutrients.

  • Administer proper vaccination

Vaccination is a major component of preventive medicine in dogs, just as in people, they are given to help stimulate the immune system against infection before exposure to a disease. Different types of vaccines are routinely given to dogs as the major defense against serious infectious illness for example; parvovirus, rabies and many more.

Why Dog Grooming Is Important

Grooming is an essential role in the wellbeing and haleness of a dog which can enhance its quality of life.


  • Bathing

Dogs should be bathed with water that is adequately warm enough to prevent hypothermia and also hot water can bald the skin. Dogs with a heavy or matted coat should never be bathed without first being completely brushed out or clipped of any mats. Bath them with shampoos and conditioners manufactured for dogs.

While bathing with shampoo, do not lather the head because the shampoo can come in contact with the eyes which can cause irritation of the eyes and also avoid excess water so as not to enter into the ears which can cause infection of the ear.

  • Removal of excess hairs on the body

The body coats of many dog breeds require trimming, cutting. Styles of hair trimming vary by breed and discipline, though some hair removal has its origins in practical purposes, but much is based on the taste of the owner, and what work the dog does.

  • Dental care

Dental care is very necessary while grooming, the kits used are toothpastes and toothbrushes. The toothpaste used are usually sugar free with different flavors. The toothbrush has soft outer bristles that helps massage the gums. This helps maintain the proper hygiene of the dog’s teeth.

  • Trimming of the nails

Nail trimming is an important practice for maintaining good health. When a dog’s nails are allowed to grow, they will curl over into a spiral shape; walking will become very painful, they can also pierce the paw pad, which will lead to an infection and severe pain. It can also put pressure on the toe joints which then makes them prone to injuries.


  1. It reduces the possibility of having various health and skin problems such as scratches.
  2. It helps to take note of the dog’s health by checking the body for cuts, swellings.
  3. It also helps reduce the infestation of parasites on the skin.
  4. It also helps build a bond between the dog and the owner.
  5. It also helps take note of the change in its temperature which can be a sign of illness.
  6. It makes your dog very clean and appealing for people to come close.